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Skills influence, negotiation skills, skills of seduction and reading body language.

Knjiga je napisana sa ciljem da se svim čitaocima približi pitanje manipulacije, koja se danas veoma često dešava, u svim segmentima života. U velikom broju slučajeva toga niste ni svesni, pa kad krenete da čitate ovu knjigu videćete veliki broj primera iz stvarnog života i verujem da će se svako od vas u bar polovini njih prepoznati. Manipulacija postoji u radnom okruženju, u odnosu sa prijateljima, u emotivnom odnosu partnera, postoji u odnosu roditelja i dece.The book was written with a view to all readers approaches the question of manipulation, which is today very often, in all aspects of life. In many cases, do not even know, but when you start reading this book you will see a large number of examples from real life and I believe that each of you at least half of them identified. Manipulation exists in the workplace, in relationships with friends, partners in an emotional relationship, there is the relationship between parents and children.